Solar Panel Cost and Savings Calculator: Determining the Financial Benefits of Solar Energy

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Be more Green


Use more Power
Guilt Free
(i.e. AC/Devices)


Fear of Outages
(i.e. Grid Down)


Cash in on 'Going
Solar' Incentives

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Now, it's time to calculate the perfect system size for your house and find out how much you can save when you go

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is calculating your system size

Here are your results!

To cover your average utility bill, you’ll need:



# of Panels:

System size:


Potential savings:

How do you plan on aquiring your system?


Cash Purchase



# of Panels:

System size:


Potential savings:

# of Panels:

System size:


Potential savings:

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We're building your solar persona.

Now, it's time to calculate the perfect system size for your house and find out how much you can save when you go

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Enlightened Solar

is calculating your system size

Here are your results!

To cover your average utility bill, you’ll need:


# of Panels:

System size:


Potential savings:

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Let us know how you’d like us to communicate with you. You can also upload a photo of your utility bill and electrical panel so we can assess your possibilities.

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As the world embraces renewable energy sources, solar power has emerged as a leading contender due to its numerous environmental and financial advantages. Solar panels enable households and businesses to generate their own electricity while reducing dependence on fossil fuels. One crucial aspect for individuals considering solar power is determining the cost and potential savings associated with installing solar panels. To simplify this process, solar panel cost and savings calculators have become valuable tools for assessing the financial viability of solar energy investments. This article explores the significance of solar panel cost and savings calculators, their key features, and the benefits they offer.

Understanding Solar Panel Cost and Savings Calculators

A solar panel cost and savings calculator is an online tool that allows users to estimate the expenses involved in installing solar panels, as well as the potential savings and return on investment (ROI) over time. These calculators consider various factors, including location, system size, energy usage, electricity rates, and financial incentives available. By inputting specific information, users can obtain personalized estimates tailored to their unique circumstances.

Key Features of Solar Panel Cost and Savings Calculators

1. Location-specific Data: Solar panel cost and savings calculators take into account the user’s location, as solar energy potential varies depending on geographic factors such as sunlight availability and climate conditions. By considering this data, calculators provide more accurate estimates of potential savings.

2. System Size and Energy Usage: Users are typically required to input their current energy usage, either in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or as a monthly electricity bill. This information helps determine the appropriate system size required to offset the electricity consumption effectively.

3. Solar Panel Cost Estimation: Calculators provide an estimate of the cost associated with purchasing and installing solar panels. This includes the cost of panels, inverters, mounting equipment, and labor expenses. The cost may also consider any available tax credits, incentives, or rebates that can offset the total expenses.

4. Financial Savings and ROI: Based on the user’s inputs and location-specific data, solar panel cost and savings calculators generate an estimate of the potential savings over time. These projections often include anticipated reductions in electricity bills, avoided utility rate increases, and the payback period for the initial investment.

Benefits of Solar Panel Cost and Savings Calculators

1. Financial Decision-Making: Solar panel cost and savings calculators empower users to make informed decisions about investing in solar energy. By providing personalized estimates, individuals can assess whether the potential savings align with their financial goals and evaluate the ROI before committing to installation.

2. Comparison and Evaluation: These calculators enable users to compare the cost and savings of different solar energy systems. By altering variables such as system size, financing options, or available incentives, individuals can evaluate multiple scenarios and choose the most suitable option.

3. Increased Transparency: Solar panel cost and savings calculators promote transparency by providing comprehensive information about the financial aspects of solar energy. Users gain a clearer understanding of the potential savings, payback period, and overall feasibility of installing solar panels, enabling them to make well-informed decisions.

4. Encouraging Solar Adoption: By demonstrating the potential financial benefits of solar power, these calculators encourage the adoption of renewable energy. They showcase the long-term savings and environmental advantages associated with solar energy, helping to drive the transition to a more sustainable future.